Thursday, November 22, 2007

Podcasting, The Podcaster and the Podcastee....?

I'm a podcaster, or should that be a podcastee....anyway, I have listened to lots of radio programs via podcasting at different times of the day and night.  I enjoy many radio programs but find it impossible to listen to them when they are actually 'live to air'. I discovered podacasting a fantastic tool to enable me to have some small pleasures when all was quiet in my house....when all the children are Margaret Throsby's morning interview is a favourite....featuring wonderful individuals and beautiful and interesting music; Phillip Adams Late Night Live is another thought provoking program and also Ramona Kovals Books and Writing (I found this via Podcast Alley).....however to subscribe on Bloglines to these has been a challenge.  Only Late Night Live actually links to actual feeds, where as the other 2 say there are no feeds available, even though when looking on the website there is a RSS or POD symbol and script, but it just doesn't seem to work.  Anyway, I have tried to find out why and seems the only explanation is unavailability at the time or something of this nature.....I don't have the energy to keep researching at the moment, so will just add that I think our Goldfields Library Website could benefit from some podcasts of author interviews or book reviews. 

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