Sunday, October 21, 2007

It just goes on and on and on!

I am absolutely amazed...if I haven't said it before.  I really can't get my head around the amount of varying material available for people to access and work with.  I just don't know how people have the time.  I found a number of the Winners really intriguing and interesting...particularly Picnik (although I couldn't get it to work properly in the short time I allowed myself); Care2, Healia, Upcoming and Lulu.  The one I easily explored and enjoyed (as per my previous post) was  43 Things.  Writing lists are a part of my life and I value the support that writing and getting through my lists give me!  Even though 43 Things is not quite like my own lists, I have written and used goal writing as a way of moving forward in my life, both professionally and personally. Not really sure how I could see 43 Things used in the Library setting, but maybe it could be a fun way of introducing people to the idea of online communities and incorporating Web 2.0 tools into the Libraries of the future.  Maybe our Library's Website could incorporate a 43 Things style tool on the front page which encourages patrons or those browsing to check out what others have on their list!  Just a quick thought.....I might edit this later if I think of anything more inspiring.

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Very interesting comments. Keep up the good work
