Thursday, November 22, 2007

The end?

Yes, it's good to be at the end of this training......I have found it interesting and time consuming to say the least.  Most of my exercises I have had to do at home as I only work part time and when I am there my time is completely consumed with work responsibilities.  I have had fantastic support from KFL where I only work occassionally, but KFL's manager gave me an enormous amount of support in the beginning and allowed me time on my days there to get some blog entries under my belt....heart felt thanks to K.....I really value your support. The workload was far greater than we were encouraged to believe......although I remember thinking when I read, 'Just a few minutes' ...mmmm not sure how much I will learn in a few minutes! I have learned an enormous amount and been challenged to explore some thoughts and ideas about where the Web 2 'thing' is going, how I and my family (esp my children) will and do fit into it, and have questioned whether I really want MY Library to embrace this technology or not.  I am tired at the end of it all......a little jaded, slightly weary and wondering whether I can really tackle that study I want to do next year.....I do rely on my computer and the internet for so many things now but I have such a connection to the earth and wonder whether all those bloggers out there are missing out on person to person, life to life communication. My only regret is not having the energy to make my blog posts anything worth noticing.....Thanks for the opportunity to be involved and the opportunity to continue my daily quest for life long learning.  Cheers

Downloadable Audiobooks....who'd have thought it!

I remember discussions some time ago about e books....and I remember thinking they wouldn't be a big thing for me because my 'bad' eyesight makes it tiring and challenging to read anything of great length on the computer. But Audiobooks and downloadable ones at that are a fantastic development, although there are times when the reader and I just don't hit it off!!  Seriously though, I can see a reasonably significant place for the availability of downloadable audiobooks in Libraries, even our local branch.  We have so many people who access our computers and use MP3 players and so many people who access the 'talking books', I can just imagine some of our regulars plugging in and downloading an  audiobook. But like everything which sounds fantastic in the Web 2 environment, seeing...or in this case hearing is believing, and only quality product will be taken if great books are produced with great readers...downloadable audiobooks might just prosper.

Podcasting, The Podcaster and the Podcastee....?

I'm a podcaster, or should that be a podcastee....anyway, I have listened to lots of radio programs via podcasting at different times of the day and night.  I enjoy many radio programs but find it impossible to listen to them when they are actually 'live to air'. I discovered podacasting a fantastic tool to enable me to have some small pleasures when all was quiet in my house....when all the children are Margaret Throsby's morning interview is a favourite....featuring wonderful individuals and beautiful and interesting music; Phillip Adams Late Night Live is another thought provoking program and also Ramona Kovals Books and Writing (I found this via Podcast Alley).....however to subscribe on Bloglines to these has been a challenge.  Only Late Night Live actually links to actual feeds, where as the other 2 say there are no feeds available, even though when looking on the website there is a RSS or POD symbol and script, but it just doesn't seem to work.  Anyway, I have tried to find out why and seems the only explanation is unavailability at the time or something of this nature.....I don't have the energy to keep researching at the moment, so will just add that I think our Goldfields Library Website could benefit from some podcasts of author interviews or book reviews. 

Monday, November 12, 2007

The YouTube Stampede

I have received many Youtubes in emails over the last 6 monthes or so.  Looking around the sight itself doesn't really inspire me....I guess in someway I find alot of it 'voyeuristic'.  The problem for me is often that it is so overwhelming looking for something of interest when there are often 1000's of different items on the same subject....I really don't have the time or the interest in this medium to keep searching. I can see that our Library Corporation website could post some Youtube video's on some of the local events that have occured, special storytime and holiday events, or possibly reviews or accounts of books that have been been big for the borrowers. Personally  I have found one which I have laughed and laughed's about mothering and although it's truely American, the sentiment for me is very strong as I try so hard to 'teach' my children to get through childhood!!......I spent 5 years in America and I loved it.....I have a strong connection to people and places in America and although I don't agree politically, neither do the majority of Americans....I appreciate this song and laughed alot and I guess in essence that's what alot of the YouTubes stuff is about.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

It just goes on and on and on!

I am absolutely amazed...if I haven't said it before.  I really can't get my head around the amount of varying material available for people to access and work with.  I just don't know how people have the time.  I found a number of the Winners really intriguing and interesting...particularly Picnik (although I couldn't get it to work properly in the short time I allowed myself); Care2, Healia, Upcoming and Lulu.  The one I easily explored and enjoyed (as per my previous post) was  43 Things.  Writing lists are a part of my life and I value the support that writing and getting through my lists give me!  Even though 43 Things is not quite like my own lists, I have written and used goal writing as a way of moving forward in my life, both professionally and personally. Not really sure how I could see 43 Things used in the Library setting, but maybe it could be a fun way of introducing people to the idea of online communities and incorporating Web 2.0 tools into the Libraries of the future.  Maybe our Library's Website could incorporate a 43 Things style tool on the front page which encourages patrons or those browsing to check out what others have on their list!  Just a quick thought.....I might edit this later if I think of anything more inspiring.

Torias List

Things that need to be done!!

Finish Learning 2.0 !
vacuum the bedrooms
clean the windows
organise my pantry
mulch the garden
think about Christmas
sort out and clean the shed
organise to install a tank for drinking water and grey water system

Zoho, ho, ho, ho....

I was thinking that Web-based apps seemed  a really great idea; the idea that I could be using Zoho writer at home to work on something and then just pick it up again at work and be able to print or email it to whom ever I like without going through the hassles I do now because I have a Mac at home and most computers I email to and print  from are PC......anyway, that was until I went to publish my small word processing document to my blog.....I found that Zoho Writer doesn't support Safari.  Wasn't too big a bother as I also have Firefox installed and hopefully it's worked with that!! As always with this burgeoning technology, it will have positive applications in lots of places and circumstances, but not all!........Have just realised when checking to see if my doc. was on my blog that the actual doc. page would be viewed and not a just a link.....I wonder if it could jsut be viewed as a link? More to discover!!